Above all, love each other deeply (1 Peter 4:8)

St. John’s is an historic church anchoring a vibrant community where you will encounter God’s love in worship and service, music and culture. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome at St. John’s.

Weekly Services

worship with us


8:00AM rite one holy EUCHARIST

9:30AM rite two holy eucharist

Both services on Sunday mornings welcome you to our historic sanctuary. The 8AM is live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Throughout July and August we go to the garden at 9:30!

Thursday Holy EUcharist

9:30AM with Prayers for Healing

A contemplative, spoken service with a rotating schedule of clergy each week in the traditional language (rite one), including prayerful interventions for healing. All are welcome to attend in-person only.

Office Hours

Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 3PM

Connect with a clergy member.