Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Michelle Karcher


I AM GRATEFUL to work with an amazing group of people! Prior to the Covid pandemic, I came to know and love each of them. Each individual brings unique gifts to our small work environment. Everyone has stepped up and done more, expanded their knowledge, and created new ways to reach out and connect to the St John’s family while the Covid pandemic is disrupting our lives. I truly work with wonderful, caring people .

I AM GRATEFUL for the amazing parishioners of St John’s. Although many of you may not know me personally, I am the bookkeeper. Before Covid, you amazed me with your kindness and respect towards each other. You see and then fulfill needs in the community with joyful hearts. There are so many wonderful volunteers that are dependable, making light work with the many hands they offer. Since the start of Covid, I have been amazed that we are able to meet our financial obligations through your generosity. Every week, I wonder if we will be able to pay our bills and every week you supply what we need. Our recent 2021 pledge has shown again how generous you are! THANK YOU! I often get notes along with the checks that are kind and heartwarming. I share them during our Zoom staff meeting. It is a bright moment for all of us!

I AM GRATEFUL for the amazing volunteers working behind the scenes to ensure our Capital Campaign, ministries and outreach projects continue on. When we finally gather again you will be amazed at the improvements that have transpired while we “socially distanced”! Many volunteer hours have been combined with your Capital Campaign contributions to update the kitchen and renovate Thaxter Hall. In addition, if you fancy a walk, check out the new walkway and the beautifully restored cemetery. Common Table is handing out bag lunches every Thursday even during the pandemic and we are getting donations for Polar Packs! The volunteers that I personally work with are wonderful. You know who you are and I appreciate your assistance. You sign checks, you okay invoices, you help with mailings and filing. I could not do my job without you and I am grateful for your generous service to St Johns and myself.

I AM GRATEFUL for my family and friends. Although we are socially distancing to protect our loved ones from Covid, we have found new ways to connect. Visits are carefully planned and treasured. I have started writing letters again. I am a little rusty, but there is a certain amount of satisfaction in reaching out in such a personal, tangible way.

I AM GRATEFUL for a loving God, who has offered this time and place as an opportunity for growth…a reminder of how valuable our relationships are. They are our greatest treasure.