Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Bertha Rocray

Advent Expectation

When Rob asked if I would write a reflection about expectation, it brought me back to being a little girl growing up in a small New Hampshire town. The expectation and arrival of the Sears catalog-do you remember that? When it arrived I immediately went to the toy section and read each description carefully and then circled ALL the things I wanted. Next was the waiting and anticipation of what I might actually receive.

As I grew older there were other things I anticipated-school, college graduation, a new career, marriage and parenthood. All of these life events took preparation and hope followed by great joy.

After preparing and waiting I feel fortunate to have experienced many positive results.

The expectation I want to tell you about today is being part of preparing {decorating} St. Johns for the Christmas season-preparing the way. When I asked the Altar Guild members it was met with great joy and anticipation. As we were limited to the number of people in the church at one time, we worked in small groups-roping the balcony, roping the pillars, hanging the star, setting up the small creche, hanging all the wreaths, polishing the silver and making the brass shine. All of this was done in hope of making St. Johns Christmas a familiar sight and bring joy , despite of the Covid virus. One morning, as four of walked down the center aisle there were tears of joy, happy to be in our spiritual home once again.

As you watch the many virtual St. Johns offering, know they were prepared with great joy and love

During this holy season, despite the Covid virus, may you find peace and joy in your heart and experience the love and kindness we all receive from ST. Johns.

Blessings, Bertha.