Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, April 20, 2020
Courtney Patrick

If this last month has given me anything, it has given me plenty of time to reflect. To reflect on who I am, where I am, how I am, and what/how I want to be now, and in the future. I decided a few weeks ago I want to be Love, Love for myself, and Love for others. Be Love. . . you might be wondering how one IS LOVE? It’s being everything you want and need in moments of uncertainty; it’s being there when you physically cannot be “there”. It’s courage to be vulnerable and share your feelings, letting yourself know its OK to feel how you feel no matter how that is, and letting others know they’re not alone in how their feeling. It’s listening deeply, and opening your heart to let it all in. It’s expanding from the inside out, rooting down and growing from the ground up.

During Palm Sunday service I sat watching all the faces I know and love, listening to their words, and their songs. I cried, longing to be in their physical presence, and laughed at jokes I so needed in the service that broke up the heaviness that is. I sat in deep reflection for a long while after the service, and much like the Love I wanted to be I realized I also wanted to be Light. I wished to be light for you and for myself in this time it seems so difficult to keep them bright.

I pray I leave you feeling a little more grounded and able to breathe deeply and fully, as you learn you are Love and Light. You were born with a light God lit inside of you, and a Love he sent you into the world with. You are Love and Light without any doing necessary to be them. You are Love and Light for yourself, and you are Love and Light for others- be Love and Light in your home, in the virtual world, on the phone. Wherever you can share it, share it, and continue to Be and not Do as Rob has so powerfully said is what we are called to in this time.

I pray you be happy; I pray you be well; and I pray you find peace within.

Blessings & Be Well,
