Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, April 24, 2020
Steve Falci

What does it mean to be the church right now?

The Church - the Body of Christ

The church as the Body of Christ has special meaning for me at this time. I am truly comforted by the reminder that we are all united in Christ; we are united in the pain we feel at this time, but also in the hope that comes to us in Christ through the Holy Spirit. While I deeply miss worshiping with you all in person, our “virtual church” has brought me incredible consolation – we are truly united in Christ. At Sunday Morning Prayer I am nourished and feel connected to all of you (and, as I confessed to Anne and Nathan, more attentive than I often am when I’m sitting in the pew 😊). I heard Psalm 23 anew and was moved to tears. Hymns I have heard all my life, touched me in new ways through the talents of Jen and Ashley. We are truly united in Christ.

United as the Body of Christ, the church is called to do His work – especially now. As members of the Body, we have all been endowed with gifts. How can we utilize our individual gifts to help those in need now? Many in our community are using their gifts to help others. For me the consolation I have felt through the soul nourishing reminders of our unity in Christ has made me more attentive to opportunities I may have to help now - opportunities to be there for friends, the opportunity to help a local business while helping to provide food to those in need. May the consolation we receive from our unity in the Body of Christ move us to continue to be the church that does the work of Christ now.