Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues. 30 Nov. 2021

Giving Tuesday

Why Give?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Today is a day that has become known as “Giving Tuesday,” where people are encouraged to connect with organizations they support, and show that support financially. We here at St. John’s are already in the midst of so many projects for which we’ve solicited donations, and although we will always welcome financial support, especially as we are in the midst of our Stewardship Campaign, today’s reflection is more about trying to connect with the message of why some of our parishioners choose to give to St. John’s.

We reached out to several individuals and families from our parish and asked why they chose to pledge to SJC. This is what they said.


“St. John’s is my bridge to aspiration and map to open yet unknown opportunities. I participate and support St. John’s to be encouraged by other parishioners’ examples and to reciprocate by sharing my chosen personal life of faith through words and music.”

— Dr. Clinton Frederick “Rick” Miller


“We give, not out of obligation, but because we want to support our beloved community. Children are honored here and allowed to be themselves when singing, acting, or attending church. We give to financially support our beautiful historic building and our talented clergy and staff. We give because clergy, staff and members are encouraged to be innovative, creative, and risk-taking. Programs such as Common Table, The Choir School, Polar Packs, Outside the Box, and the Good Friday ‘Stations of the Cross’ reach out into the community.

“Here, at SJC, we give because we want to, and we feel blessed to be part of this church community.”

— Robin Burdick


“I am so fortunate to be a part of the St. John’s family and am grateful for the blessings of love, light, growth, and acceptance that I experience in the SJC community. Seeing and experiencing the love and light that St John’s shares both inside and outside of the walls of our church are a great blessing too. Giving, giving back, and watching my gifts be multiplied within and into our greater community does my heart good!”

— Carol Gruen


“We give to enable St John’s to be the Beloved Community, and because giving is an essential part of living our faith.”

— John Heinl and Diane Harvey


“Joining the "joyful song" with St. John's choir every week renews my spirit, and encourages me to do the work God has given us to do!”

— Karen Horton


“Why do I support St. John's? I don't know. I don't have a good answer for that. Why do I well up at some point during almost every worship service? Why does the music move me? Why does seeing the children sing choke me up? How is it that this message of love and forgiveness persists against all odds? I don't know. But I need it. And I need to be a part of it.”

— John Stromgren


“I was fortunate enough to work in a public school for mentally challenged students ages birth to 21. From that Blessed Community I received much more than I gave in compassion, love, laughter, and tenacity. Everyone loved music and dancing, but one of the favorite songs was sung by a young boy with a lovely tenor voice. The words were: ‘We are standing on Holy Ground. There are angels all around.’ [Yes - that was allowed in a public school!]

“I have been fortunate to discover other Blessed Communities in my work as a Speech Language Pathologist, from Alaska to Nantucket. When I arrived at St. John’s about 12 years ago, I knew it had happened again! Once again, being a part of this Beloved Blessed Community has allowed me to not only give back, but also to receive more than I give in compassion, love, laughter, and tenacity. I give to St. John’s because ‘We are standing on Holy Ground… There are angels all around.’

“Think about the angels you know…”

— Elaine Wilson


“We support St Johns because of what it is, and what it does. Feeding the hungry, The Choir School, perimeter plantings, parking lot vegetable garden… These demanded and received our active support.

Let it be remembered that support comes in 3 forms: time, talent, and treasure. The first two are participatory, which is the name of the game for a vibrant Church; one that is reaching outwards, not inwards!”


“St. John's, my spiritual home for the past 50 years, has given me a great sense of gratitude. With the many challenges that come in life, St. John's clergy and parishioners have always been there with an abundance of love, support and never-ending care. Many meaningful relationships and much needed purpose makes St. John's a special place to call home.”

— Bertha Rocray


“St. John's Church is a community of deep roots, rich music, thoughtful caring clergy and staff, outstretched branches within and beyond its doors and fresh daily reflections. It is a community cultivating joy and social justice, and our pledge is one small way we communicate that we support all of this and understand that every small contribution matters.”

— The Gaudreau Family


“I am so happy to be able to give to St. John’s Church. What I receive from my church community is boundless. I walk into our beautiful and historic building and can’t help but feel that I am home. The liturgy stirs me, and the music lifts me up in ways that nothing else does. Our church community is a lifeline for me, and over the years I have met so many wonderful people whose friendships I value.

“I first started pledging to St. John’s in 1985. I had nothing then. I was young, newly divorced and working full time, raising Olin, and struggling. But St. John’s was important to me. It seemed then that there was a lot of attrition. The congregation was old, with many parishioners passing on, and we weren’t attracting young families. I wanted to make sure that even with my paltry donation, it would survive.

“As it is now, it was then: we were asked to participate, to make a commitment. It didn’t matter how much you gave, but to give something. Something so that the vestry would be able to budget. Even though it was embarrassing at first, I pledged $1/week. It was what I thought I could afford. It felt great to put $5 into the Christmas and Easter envelopes! I have pledged ever since then. And with hard work and some luck I have been able to increase my contribution to St. John’s, happily. I love that David and I can support the work of the church - Roberts Hall, the music program, the child and youth activities, the Common Table and YOC, and the general well-being of our clergy, staff, and buildings and grounds. Our community is what sustains us, and we must sustain it.”

— Judy Howard and David Meikle


“One of the reasons I give to St. John’s is because we can together respond with prayer and education to devastating and immediate need in the world by getting involved in community outreach programs like Outside the Box.”

— Susan Lassen


We are so grateful for all our parishioners, and hope that if you find yourself in a position to make a pledge for 2022, you will join these people with your support of our missions here at St. John’s.