Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Sat. 11 Dec. 2021

Advent Waiting

Callie Swainlund

What does it look like to wait when what we’re waiting for may never come?

It may be waiting for a cure that hasn’t yet been discovered, waiting for an “I love you,” or waiting for someone who’s hurt us to call and say they’re sorry.

Several years ago, an artist in Norway started a project called Future Library, where manuscripts from famous authors are held in a vault—read by no one!—for a hundred years. In a century’s time, the lovingly planted forest trees will be used to make the paper to print the manuscripts.

Can you imagine creating something you’ll never see come to fruition in your lifetime? Something you will never receive feedback on? Do you have enough faith in the future to leave such an elaborate gift?

In Advent, we wait. Often we wait imperfectly. We live in the tension between now and not yet. We long for big changes but fear and resist them just the same.

Wholehearted Beloved: What does it look like to wait when what we’re waiting for may never come? How do we live our lives in such a way that ushers in the Reign of Peace here and now, and also not get in the way of the transformation that is yet to come?

We plant seeds. We strive to follow in the way of Jesus by loving boldly, by seeking healing, and by shining light wherever we go. We ground ourselves in the present moment while also taking great care of those who will come after.

Jesus is already here, serving hot meals and standing up to politicians and holding hands at the bedside of those who are suffering. But as we await Jesus’ Second Coming, may we prepare our hearts, preserve our earth, and protect the most vulnerable among us. Let us go forth, scattering love notes wherever we go, though we may never meet their recipient.

 [This is part of a podcast I recorded for Trinity Cathedral Portland’s Aural Advent series; check out the full meditation Trinity Episcopal Cathedral]