Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thurs. 16 Dec. 2021


Peter Rice

Dec. 14. This morning at 10:51 I received an email from Rob requesting a reflection. On a day when I already had far too much on my plate, I came close to ignoring the request. Like many in our St. John’s community I have been following the tragic events in Kentucky. The town of Mayfield and the First Christian Church of Mayfield. TV coverage showed what was left of the church; all four walls flattened to the ground but somehow the steeple was left standing amid the rubble. For the last two days I have been asking myself what I can do to help besides sending a check to Mayfield Relief C / O American Red Cross. When compared to the need a check seemed like a drop in the bucket. Last night while lying in bed and pondering a further way to help I gave serious consideration to packing my truck with my chainsaw, portable generator and supplies and begin the trip of 1700 miles to Kentucky. Calculating the distance, it amounted to a 2 1/2-day drive. While still considering the mission I eventually fell asleep. This morning at 4:30 the possibility was on the forefront of my mind. OK Peter, you have passed into your 80 TH year and have moderate physical mobility problems. Put the mission on the shelf and reconsider in a week or so. Meanwhile get some advice on how to proceed. 

This week’s reflection theme is love. One only needs to see the overwhelming love emerging within hours after a tornado destroyed most of Mayfield. Love in the midst horrendous tragedy. Love shared by neighbors when grieving over surviving with only a few precious possessions or the loss of a loved one.  The love of first responders shared with neighbors lending a hand. As a former first responder I have witnessed love on the scene of tragedy. In Mayfield I heard a church pastor say “Love holds us together and love will be there as we rebuild our community. "

So, what is the bottom line with love? To begin consider Sunday mornings, 8:00, Rite 1 with Anne and Rob: (The second great commandment is like unto it) THOU SHALL LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.   Day by day, bit by bit, love is all around us. We don’t always recognize it but it’s there. Sometimes it takes a Mayfield, Kentucky to remind us of love.