Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues. 21 Dec. 2021


Rick Miller

Love takes many forms. Among the purest is AGAPÉ.  This is a Greek/Christian term for unconditional love-“the highest form of love, charity” and  both God’s love for humankind as well as our love for  God.

The horrific toll of recent tornadoes that devastated  western Kentucky and other places touches the hearts of all Christians and calls upon our charity to help our brethren put their lives back together. For most of us at great distance, this must take the form of a gift of money.  When contemplating such a gift on behalf of our family, I used to worry that  perhaps a significant amount of the gift might be diverted to “administrative expenses” or even darker misuse, lessening the amount that directly helps those whose lives have been torn asunder. But I have come to realize that  such spontaneous charitable giving must be made with complete trust and without consideration of diversion.  Instead I put my trust in God’s direction and in the overwhelming responsibility of a majority of our fellow human beings.  The same holds true when giving to the least of our brethren who are begging on the street.  In fact, I believe that AGAPÉ  should  be the guiding principle whenever we share our treasure with others.  I have found adherence to this principle to be liberating; and that when my heart spontaneously cries GIVE, to give freely and generously knowing, as Father Rob says, that “we have enough.”

Matthew 25:  40. Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Peace, Love, Light this Christmas from our family to yours.  By your AGAPE, be sure that none of God’s children need be born in a cold, rude stable; wrapped in swaddling clothes; and placed in a manger.