Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Fri. 24 Dec. 2021


Allison Dudas

Leaning into the Ordinary Miracle of Christmas


The cosmos-shaper has come down to earth:

Mary is counting his fingers and toes.

-Michael Longley

I absolutely love this simple poem. As a mother, I can recall those moments after giving birth when my husband and I lovingly examined our children's bodies, soaking in every inch of their perfect little beings. It's such an ordinary yet extraordinary act. People give birth every day and, in fact, we're all here because of it. But its ubiquity doesn't discount the fact that birth is an absolute marvel. To become co-creators with God is one of the most immense privileges many of us have been granted on this earth.

And here is Mary. Exhausted from birth, overwhelmed with love, and confronted with visitors. Hello, Wise Men! Why yes, myrrh WAS on our registry. Greetings, Drummer Boy. Mind playing outside instead? Jesus is sleeping. Counting her darling baby's fingers and toes. So ordinary. So miraculous.

In the coming days, we will be met with numerous ordinary yet miraculous moments. An unexpected visitor. A lovingly baked meal. Storytime with a child. A beautiful carol. I invite you to embrace these moments with the mindfulness of Mary. Count some fingers and toes. Do your best to soak in these ordinary miracles around us.

Our Creator God joins us in this ordinary life. And it is absolutely extraordinary.

Merry Christmas.