Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Parish Choir

Nunc dimittis

What is Evensong, and what happens at a service? Part 2

The St. John’s Parish Choir offered a service of Choral Evensong earlier this month. For last week’s musical reflection, I outlined the first half of the service leading up to the Magnificat - the Song of Mary. This week, I’ll finish up the service outline and share the Parish Choir’s recording of the Nunc dimittis.

Click above to listen to the chanted psalm.

The Nunc dimittis, also known as the Song of Simeon, is the second canticle of the service. This was a prayer offered by Simeon, a devout Jew who had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Simeon was at the temple when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be presented to God as her firstborn. Recognizing the baby as the promised Savior, Simeon took Jesus in his arms and prayed: 

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;

To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.

After the two canticles are sung by the choir, the service wraps up with the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Suffrages (sort of like a miniature Prayers of the People), concluding collects, and a final choral anthem and congregational hymn. 

A reflective service, Evensong offers the congregation a chance to step away from life’s daily stressors and experience a contemplative moment with God.