Hear better in church with AudioFetch

We are excited to introduce a new technology to help you hear better in the sanctuary ~ AudioFetch! Anyone with a smart phone + headphones or bluetooth hearing device can connect in a few steps.


Immediately following the 8AM and 10AM services, you are invited to remain with us in the sanctuary for a brief tutorial and testing session with Olin Johannessen. We want to make sure your sound experience in church is crystal clear!

WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO: Download the app before you come this Sunday. Charge your smartphone and bring your headphones or bluetooth hearing device. We can help you with the rest!

> Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/audiofetch/id955015484

> Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waio.mobile.android

1. Go to Google Play or Apple App Store

2. Search for AudioFetch

3. Download the free AudioFetch app

4. Once you're at church, open your phone's settings and connect to the AudioFetchExpress WiFi network

5. Open AudioFetch App and start listening!

If you intend to test this new technology with us, please make sure you download the app on your smartphone before church and ensure your devices are charged and ready to go! We cannot wait to help you hear better.