Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wed. Feb. 16, 2022


Bob Stevens

It has been Janie and my delight to join the St. John’s community each Sunday for worship. This is a life giving experience (in spite of the preacher) and we are thankful for all of you for providing this benefit.

A few Sundays ago, Rob’s sermon focused on the value of taking of a breath, slow down and take a rest
As I listened I was reminded that rest is not just a helpful Dr Phil style of advice. No. It is far more significant. Rest in an essential quality of being alive. Have you noticed that the creation narratives of the Hebrew Scriptures all culminate the process with a day of rest? Yes! It was not complete without it. As a trivial aside in the world of numerology the number 6 signifies evil the number 7 signifies ultimate good. Ask yourself what does that extra number represent?

Culturally we are driven. Billable hours and productivity reign. Time off is regarded as weakness. That’s the stuff of evil “6”. Whereas Shabbat, sabbatical, sabbath whatever you call it is the stuff of “7”. The stuff of authentic living.

Give it a try, I think you’ll discover a richness of being.