Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thurs. Feb. 24, 2022

Walk in Love this Lent

Anne Williamson

Lent is coming! This six week period before the celebration of Easter is a good opportunity to review where we've been and where we’re going on our journey of faith. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2 this year, and there are various Lent offerings at SJC to gather in small groups to 'walk in love' through Lent. As I mentioned in my previous reflection, Lent provides us with an opportunity to ‘take up’ a new spiritual practice instead of the more traditional ‘giving up’ something for Lent. (If you are keen, you can always do both!)

As we make our way on the journey of faith, our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry commends coming together as ‘small circles of people who support each other in following Jesus with intention and accountability.’ Being part of small groups - Reading Between the Lines (RBTL), Sacred Ground, various book groups - has been life changing for me and I invite you to join one of the groups meeting this Lent. RBTL is one offering this Lent.

If you are unfamiliar with RBTL, this group meets on Wednesday mornings (on Zoom at the moment) from 10:30-12 to discuss and reflect on one of the Bible readings for the coming Sunday and to pray Noonday Prayer together. During Lent, we will continue to meet at 10:30 for our discussions, but at 11:30 we will turn to prayer using Bishop Steven Charleston's book, Ladder to the Light, as a guide. All are welcome to join the discussion from 10:30 -11:30 or the reflection from 11:30-12 or both! (If you're interested in joining the group, please email me at anne@stjohnsnh.org.)

As you ponder how you will 'walk in love' this Lent, I offer you a reflection on the Sacred Journey from Bishop Charleston:

'SACRED JOURNEY: There are no shortcuts on the spiritual path, although many have tried to find one. Learning the lessons the Spirit teaches takes time, patience, and perseverance. It requires a sense of discipline. It takes a level of self-awareness that can be difficult, because it requires that we are honest with ourselves. We have to look deeper. We have to study. We have to live a rule of life that never takes love for granted. It is not easy, but it is joyful. The sacred journey may take us up some very steep hills and demand we keep going even when we are tired, but it also shows us the wonder of life along the way and the purpose of life when the day is done.'

-Ladder to the Light p 20

