Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Barry Heckler


A few years ago when Rob asked me to contribute a “Reflection” I wrote about how my volunteer experience at Common Table, which led to becoming more involved with volunteer work for St. John’s, saved me from what had become a rather solitary existence in our new Portsmouth apartment. I had retired on 9/27/13 from 35 years in the practice of law in my hometown of Wilmington, DE. On 11/1/14 we moved to Portsmouth. My wife—the love of my life—of 52 years is a Kittery girl, and very close with her 2 sisters (the middle one lives in Durham, the youngest in New Castle). I always loved it up here, so the decision to move was easy…until we did it and I realized I knew no one. I ended up going to the Fitness Center on the second floor of our apartment building (Portwalk Place) for an hour every morning, returning to our apartment in the same building, and reading, all day long.

Then a neighbor and great friend, Dick Coraine, invited me to come with him to St. John’s to work at Common Table. I never enjoyed anything more, because of the wonderful people I met and worked with. Thursday soon became my favorite day of the week. Common Table led to work on the Capital Campaign, SJC Restoration Project, the Vestry, Building Committee, and more wonderful people. Then the restoration of the SJC Historic Cemetery, and, you guessed it, more wonderful people.

I felt truly blessed to have been welcomed into the St. John’s Family. Life was moving right along, all was good. Until August 2018 when I began 1 1/2 years of treatment for a serious medical problem. And it’s been a string of serious medical problems ever since. It’s been a long, hard haul that would have been very difficult to get through if not for St. John’s and The Family. I am looking at one more surgery and, hopefully, will then finally be on the path to recovery.

But no matter what, I will forever be grateful for the love and support of The St. John’s Family. You all have lightened the load more than you can possibly know. Your friendship and concern has touched me, and has been most heart warming. And for that I can not thank you enough. I am blessed and proud to be a part of The Family Of The Church On The Hill. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.