Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Rev. Rob Stevens

Elevator Speech

Our bishop once gave a sermon in which he asked us what our elevator speech for being a Christian would be.  Meaning, if you had to tell someone why you were a Christian or what Christianity was all about between the first floor and the 3rd floor, what would you say?  Well…

This question really made me think.  What would I say?  What I realized very quickly is that I would not talk about the Dogma or Doctrines or even the Sacraments.  I think I would talk about Kindness and how Jesus spent his life teaching people to be kind.

Recently, I had the distinct privilege of officiating at three funerals of people that I had the privilege of visiting with just before they died.  In each instance these incredible saints of God were suffering.  They were suffering physically and emotionally.  Yet, each of them demonstrated profound and deep kindness to me when I visited.  It was inspiring, humbling and it was convicting.  I realized that they had EVERY excuse not to be kind…and yet they chose to show love and kindness in the midst of their very real suffering.  Do I do the same?  Not always…and I do not have an excuse.

Kindness for me is not “being nice.”  It is a much deeper and more authentic way of being.  Kindness, at its core, is love and is also honest.  I learned early in life that people who were nice did not always have your best interest at heart and were often not honest.  Kindness is different.  Kindness honors the person above all.  Jesus was not nice…Jesus was kind.

So, my elevator speech is still developing, but it does go something like the saying, “Be kind always.  You never know what challenges people are facing.”  But it is more than a bumper sticker.  Following Jesus, for me, is a way of life that puts people first above all. Period.  It requires that we let go of our preferences from time to time. It compels us to lean into relationships that will change us at our deepest level.  It reminds us that the relationship matters more than being right!  And the promise is that this way of life leads to a life that is more wonderful than words can express.  It can be terrifying at times…but it is wonderful!

My continuing prayer for this community is that we resist turning Christianity into a belief contest.  For if we do not resist, we risk reducing the Gospel of Love into a test with right and wrong multiple choice answers.  Instead, let us take courage and practice a life characterized by Kindness.  A life where we will be challenged, frustrated, elated, loved, reconciled and forgiven.  This is a fantastic journey and one I thank God I get to take with you.

Tell me your elevator speech…