Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, June 17, 2022

Suzi Raeside

Angels Among Us

I feel like the person who is always writing to the newspaper. Perhaps this is because I am at church often doing tasks so I see things that those who are only able to attend on Sundays wouldn’t necessarily notice. Today I write about the “behind the scenes community” we have. Do you realize what an incredible construction crew Reggie has put together? A few weeks ago Reggie noticed a lock on one of our doors was broken. He went in search of a new one only to find on his return that it had been replaced. Perplexed, he went looking for who had done it. One of the workmen said, “I saw it was broken and replaced it.” Now this was not his job but he went out of his way to fix it. During the last few weeks we have had a number of receptions and when we have gone into our closet to get platters and heavy glassware one of the workers has always offered to get them off the high shelves and carry them to the kitchen. We didn’t ask, they just noticed we needed help. Recently it was raining and windy on a day of a reception and the door to Thaxter Hall was blocked off. However, when they saw us struggling with our food trays and flower buckets they cleared a path and helped get us in the closed entryway. These are not the people who we sit next to in church but they are the people who have lovingly been working to build our connector and have become part of our community. They are the most polite and helpful crew I have ever met and I for one consider them all as a part of our St John’s community. Perhaps the sermons lately asking us to notice God’s presence in our broken world have taken roots in me. So if you happen to be around St John’s during the work week, stop and say thank you to them for their love and care of our church and its people.