Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Rev. Rob Stevens

Take, Break, Bless and Give

These four words are loaded!  They are the four-fold movement of the Holy Eucharist where Jesus takes the bread of life, breaks the bread of life, blesses the bread of life and gives the bread of life.  This is the practice, the movement we do every Sunday (and Thursday) as a worshipping community.  It is this ritual that grounds us and connects us to one another through space and time.  It is the mystery of faith. 

The words also describe how we move as a community and individuals.  God takes us, just as we are. Many of us (all of us) have wounds, we have been broken at times, God blesses us, and then gives us to the world to serve.  This is the movement of a faith filled life…over and over again.  I invite you to ponder how this movement is present in your life and I ask you to consider how it might move you closer to God.

What do you need to hand over to God?  What chains need to be broken?  Where are the blessings that maybe you haven’t noticed?  And finally, what might God be asking you to give yourself to this season?  These are the questions that I am wondering about not only as a person seeking to follow God, but also as a rector seeking to lead a community of faith.  These questions are big and bold and ones that I strive to keep ever before me.

This day I pray that you may live into this four-fold movement in your life and I ask that you pray for SJC that we may live into it as well and be open to the Holy Spirit in new ways.  We have been given much as a community and we have incredible treasurers here.  It is my desire and constant prayer that we do not become complacent, but diligently work for the good of the Kingdom and seek out new ways that we can be Taken, Broken, Blessed and Given in order for the world to see and hear that God is Love and that there is room at the table for ALL!