Happy summer Sunday afternoon to all youth and children’s families!! I hope this email finds you all enjoying the late days of summer and looking forward to the start of another academic year, and of course, another program year at St. John’s. We are eager to lean into community, service, music, and FUN together this year. Our team is working on full year calendars for children & youth programs. This email will highlight some important and upcoming offerings so you can start planning! If you have any questions, please reach out!

BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS, Sunday August 28 at 9:30AM, Strawbery Banke

Next Sunday, August 28th, is the final Sunday before everyone straps on those backpacks and treks into new classrooms. First days of school can be tricky. Highly anticipated, big expectations, and long days of mental focus after the freedom of summertime. We invite all children, youth, families, teachers, admins, and staff to come to the garden this Sunday. Backpacks will be placed at the altar in reverence of the big moments upcoming, and a prayerful invitation for all heading back to school to come and nurture your spirit. This community will be praying for you all, whether you’re here or not. This is a great opportunity to invite neighbors, friends, family members… anyone who might be swirling with the new year about to begin. All welcome always.

KICK-OFF SUNDAY, September 11 at 9:30am, Thaxter Hall

Back to church we go! Kick-off Sunday will bring back our Sunday school and Rite 13 youth group on Sunday mornings. We will greet parents in the hall at 9:30 for a quick meeting and overview of what’s to come! 

*** ACOLYTE TRAINING *** Rob will host a training session for Acolytes (4th grade and up) after church on Kickoff Sunday for anyone who needs a refresher or wants to learn! This is not a requirement to participate as an acolyte, but an offering to welcome students to the ministry.


Family Night Cookout at Rob & Jen Stevens’ House, Saturday September 10 at 3-6PM. Kids and families come on over to the Rector’s house for some good food and good company! Please RSVP to let us know you’re in!

Youth Group Pool Party, Sunday September 11 at 12-2PM. Youth group members (Middle and High Schoolers) are welcome to come jump in the pool at Chris and Brad’s house (same spot as last year) and have some lunch. Connect and refresh! Please RSVP so we know you’re in!

INTERGENERATIONAL PARISH RETREAT @ MERROWVISTA, September 23-25. Its that most magical time and place calling us back again! This is a retreat for every body. Teenagers, kids, parents, grands, singles, couples… lets get our crew together and give the staff at Merrowvista something to do! REGISTER TODAY! 

SJC YOUTH MUSIC MINISTRY, Cherubs (age 4-8) on Sundays start 9/11, Juniors (grade 3-12) on Wednesdays start 9/14. This is a big deal y’all! We are bringing back our youth music / theater Wednesday rehearsal schedule. This is truly a signal of growth and return for this program. Students in grades 3 through 12 are welcomed to participate in junior choir, pageant, and musical theater productions, rehearsing on Wednesday afternoons. We will gather at 3:30 with a light snack and then rehearse until 5pm. Sundays after church will remain for the Cherubs, age 4-8. Additionally, we are excited to introduce the fabulous Christina DeMaio to our teaching team as part of the Choir School & Youth Music Ministry. She is a complete star - singer and performer, voice teacher, and theater director… the kids are going to have an amazing year getting to know her. And don’t worry, Olin, Jen and I will still be kicking around too. This program is open to ALL STUDENTS. You do not have to be a church member. Friends are always welcome. :) Since we are working on new programs within and outside of SJC, we have set up an enrollment form for the Wednesday Junior level program. Let us know you’re in!

(What about Choir School, you may be asking? Choir School is being held at Dondero School on Tues/Thurs and Portsmouth Middle School on Thursdays this year. Choir School is a choral singing program for elementary and middle school students in any Portsmouth School, including St. Pat’s. You can learn more here.)

YOUTH COOKING MINISTRY, Cooking for Cross Roads House and Dover Children’s Home. A middle and high school ministry, we meet on select Wednesdays throughout the year to cook for these two sheltering communities in our midst. The schedule is already up and an RSVP for those who want to participate is appreciated! CHECK OUT THE FULL PROGRAM.


  • Youth group social & service calendar, courtesy of Olin Johannessen.

  • Family events calendar, an evolution of the Family Night tradition, with big thanks to Megan Glenn for helping to organize!

  • A sign-up roster for acolytes, student readers, and student greeters.

STILL BUILDING RITE 13 LEADERSHIP TEAM. This would be a really fun project for a crew of parents (not middle school parents) to take on and rotate through so the schedule worked for everyone. I ask for you to think about whether or not this could be calling to you. Our teenagers need this and we want to give it to them. The curriculum we have is pretty awesome and easy to use. No expertise needed, just a desire to love these young people. Even if this is not for you, will you hold this in your prayers? The right people are here, we just haven’t found them yet!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR. The Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is coming to St. John’s on Sunday, November 6th. We hope to have full teams of acolytes, readers and greeters on board that Sunday, and expect a very full house. We are honored to receive him at SJC and hope you will be there to witness the day!

Ok, I think that’s all we can process for now — thank you for making it to the end of a big email :) You all are a gift and I hope to see you at the upcoming services and parties!

Lots of love,


Ashley Wade

Director of Communications

Director of Children’s Music and Ministries

St. John’s Episcopal Church

Portsmouth NH 03801