Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday January 27, 2023

Appreciation & Gratitude

Jan Smith

Since finding our church home at St John's some six or so years ago, it has been with great anticipation that I have awaited Sunday mornings and the opportunity to worship with a community I have come to love.  During the pandemic when being at church in person was not possible, I am convinced that it  was a labor of love on the part of our staff that kept us connected.  I remember the early days of virtual church and I am so aware of how many changes have been made to make attending church virtually more effective.  I am also aware that I don't really have any idea how many planning sessions, trials and errors, practice recordings etc. went into and continue to go into making this possibility a reality.  I am appreciative of  the determination on the part of our staff that led to the opportunity that awaits anyone who cannot attend church services and classes either on Sunday morning or throughout the week.   From the prelude to the postlude, virtual church truly is a gift offered in love to those who so benefit from being a part of our church family from afar.

Since Thanksgiving, I have been one of those who have been relying on virtual church to keep me connected and inspired.  Although the ride from Alton Bay to Portsmouth has never been a problem for me, in the recent past for many reasons it has not been possible.  Yet, I was part of all the Sunday advent services, the Sunday night services, the Christmas Eve Service and I even attended church on Christmas Day.  I stood with you, read with you and even sang with you from afar.  I enjoyed the beautiful music, the children's participation in the services and.of course, the inspiring sermons.  I know that none of what is offered comes to pass without a great deal of thoughtful work on the part of the St John's staff.  I look forward to attending St John's in person soon, but in the meantime,  I am so thankful

for all the wonderful people who take such good care of our St John's family near and far. I am truly grateful for each of you and the roles you play. Again, my heartfelt thanks!