Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Fri. February 10, 2023

Notice Joy

Ashley Wade

"Notice your next breath."

My favorite yoga teacher, Emily, has said this so many times in the hours I've spent listening to her voice that those words echo in the quiet spaces of my head and heart. Notice your next breath. You usually don't have to notice your breath. It just happens. Since we don't have to notice it, we take for granted that the next breath is ours to enjoy. When I stop and notice my next breath, I feel different - spacious and grounded. How do you feel when you notice your next breath?

The word NOTICE is the key ingredient for me. Slow down enough to notice what I'm doing. Notice that I'm breathing. Notice that I'm living.

Many mornings I wake up feeling anxious. The outside world sets its mark on me before I'm fully awake. Writing helps me connect, reframe, express... one of my favorite self-care rituals is this easy journaling prompt that I use almost daily. It's all about noticing joy.

First, make a list of everything that has brought you joy already today.

This step can be interesting if you haven't noticed joy in the simple routines of life in a long time ~ it might be hard at first. It can be complicated because often our joy comes in a messy package. Joy doesn't always present itself cleanly distilled from the complexity of our humanity. Sometimes it takes a little searching to find it and that reality is sacred - God is waiting for us right here in the mess. (My personal list often includes snuggles from a pet or family members, yoga or a walk, the coziness of my bed, the smell and first sips of freshly brewed coffee, the comfort of my favorite perch, the sounds of music, singing, feelings of gratitude, a hot shower, a clean house, a meaningful project, a quiet moment...)

Second, make a list of the joys to come; a forecast of what joys may await you in the coming hours.

This step is especially interesting to me when I feel resistance toward upcoming commitments. (Seeing people that matter to you in different settings, accomplishing a goal, helping someone else, crawling back into bed, more love from the pets and family members, a good book, a delicious meal, working in the garden, calling a friend or loved one, a favorite show, a walk in nature, visiting a meaningful place, envisioning yourself walking the path God has laid ahead of you with wonder and grace, free from worry, full of trust...)

NOTICE JOY. Joy sneaks in through the cracks and crevices. Just like our breath, we can easily go through life without noticing the joy that wants to buffer, comfort, and carry us through our days. Joy comes even in dark times, in times of conflict, in times of sorrow. Even as the world falls apart, God offers us the gift of joy ~ I encourage us all to practice noticing it.

In my experience this simple journaling exercise can offer a noticeable and sizable shift in my perspective and mood. It softens my edges and creates space for the Spirit to work its magic. I hope you’ll try it on for size, too!

Photo of Amos, age 6, eating breakfast before school. Lots of joy with this guy around!