Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thurs, April 27, 2023

A Love Note

The Rev. Rob Stevens

Dear St. John’s,

Thank you.  Gratitude is something that is practiced and essential to a life well-lived.  I am trying to practice what I preach.  I am profoundly grateful for this community and while I have spent more than 18 years here striving to serve you, I too, have received much.  Specifically, I wish to thank you for the love and support you have showered on me and my family since my father died culminating in an outpouring of love at his funeral at St. John’s on April 15.  On behalf of my mother and entire family…Thank you.

I have often said receiving love is much more difficult than giving.  When we are giving, we can maintain the illusion of being in control.  We when are receiving, we relinquish that illusion of control.  It is hard and terrifying at times…but it is worth it.  My life is so enriched by your love and care.  I cannot imagine my life without this loving community where I am called to serve, love and care while at the same time be open to receiving that same service, love and caring.  I love you St. John’s family and I never want to take us for granted.

May we all give thanks for the opportunities to serve and let go of our illusion of control and receive deeply the love and peace that surpasses all understanding.

