Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Fri., June 16, 2023

Go Deeper

Reading between the lines

As we come upon the end of another program year together, we pause to behold the different ministries that thrived in our midst over the past months. Thank you for the love, care, time, and energy given to SJC ministries this year. Throughout June, we will highlight ministries and their leadership, culminating to "Gratitude Sunday" on July 2nd in the garden at Strawbery Banke.

This past year I have had the joy of convening the Reading between the Lines (RBTL) group that meets weekly in person on Wednesdays from September through May, 10:30 am-noon, to discuss one of the Scriptures appointed for the upcoming Sunday. If you are not familiar with RBTL, we use a printed resource from The Educational Center in Charlotte, NC that offers the text, background material, questions to spark reflection and some supplemental material that relates to the text. Our discussion centers around how the lesson we are studying connects us with the world around us, and how it might resonate with our own inner depths. We read ‘between the lines’ as it were, to find the bridges between God’s story and our own. To give you the best sense of what RBTL is, however, please read the comments below from many of the members of the group.

“I really enjoy hearing insights from others that help me explore and expand my thinking on the scripture. I feel there is a level of comfort sharing intimate expressions of thought and feeling. I enjoy the diversity of ages and levels of experience. Finally, I will say that when I am actively engaged in RBTL the sermons come alive for me in a way that often doesn’t happen otherwise. I believe this is because I am not just showing up on Sunday without prior thought to the scripture at hand. I have already had some personal interaction with the Word and that helps the Sunday experience go deeper.”

“Being with a group that is comfortable talking about their experiences and devotion to the Lord is uplifting.”

“RBTL to me is a very welcoming group with a terrific leader who conducts a class about the gospels as they appear in the Bible and what the writings may have actually meant at that time in history. Together we explore the writings more and often times express how we personally feel about what happened then and compare it to what is happening in our world now along with what God wanted for us. I feel this class really expanded my thinking because as someone who always went to church, but had never really explored the writings basically I just listened.”

“I came to RBTL new to the church and to the Portsmouth community, never having attended a Bible study group. I was unsure whether it would be ok to question any of the Bible readings with a group of people I had never met before. In a short period of time, I realized that it was not only ok to ask questions but inherent in that group there was and still is an aura of respect, compassion and a healthy sense of humor. Yes, it has helped me in my own spiritual journey but perhaps more importantly (at least for me), I have found genuine friendship.”   

“My thoughts on our marvelous Wednesday group of RBTL are ones of the most positive nature. Initially we read from scripture and a discussion ensues which is always interesting and informative. Through sharing we reach amazing, challenging and awesome insights into life which has enhanced my personal and spiritual growth. I feel a sense of wonder, compassion, acceptance and love which continuously nourishes my spirit. We laugh and cry and we embrace the special bond which has grown over our time together. RBTL group is a wonderful manifestation of love. I feel privileged and fortunate to be a member of such an amazing group of people.”

“RBTL is a group that I became curious about after participating in St. John’s online series “Praying In the New Year.” I was in search of finding a new way to communicate with God. And I found it. Starting out with prayers like St. Ignatius' Examen that I now use daily, and attending our weekly RBTL Bible study where we read scripture and prayerfully deconstruct it amidst theologians and lifelong learners. What I have learned is that praying is personal but meant to be shared, simple but requires study, believing not in one faith but in many, and presence both when life is dark and when it is bright.”

“When members of our group mention what they learn, or how they are touched by the readings, somehow the messages of our Bible penetrate my human consciousness and identity.”

“RBTL is like the 'three-legged stool'. We get together weekly, with heart and mind, to look at a spiritual verse through the windows of tradition and reason.”

“My participation in RBTL has been meaningful to me on many levels. Initially, I joined hoping that my understanding of the Bible would be enhanced. Certainly, that has happened. Although I am far from a biblical scholar, thanks to the knowledgeable and well-prepared leadership we have, the additional readings provided and our related discussions, I am better able to relate Bible readings to my daily life.  Because of that preparation, when I hear the passages read in church on Sunday, I hear them differently and I am better prepared to connect them to the message we receive from the related sermons. The unexpected benefit of RBTL has been the treasured friendships that have developed thanks to the depth of our sharing as we react to the passages by relating them to our life experiences and by pondering the questions we have. I am truly grateful for the opportunities that RBTL has provided.”

“While I consider reading Scripture as a personal devotion to be valuable, it’s amazing the different insights you get when you study it together as we do in RBTL. I always come away with new insights to consider in my life of faith.”

“The RBTL group is something I very much look forward to each week. It is one of my lifelines. The group has built such honest, respectful, trusting relationships that one can ask their deep questions and share their struggles as it relates to the scripture reading of the day. It provides a place where we can grow in our understanding and faith in God and ourselves.”

I welcome all to consider joining RBTL when we reconvene in September. The group is very welcoming of new members, and is also flexible. Come when you can; people attend as their needs and schedule allow. And, there is always space for more in the Philbrick Room where we meet! Hope to see you there in a few months.

Diane Harvey