Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Mon., June 19, 2023

Hands on

office volunteerism

As we come upon the end of another program year together, we pause to behold the different ministries that thrived in our midst over the past months. Thank you for the love, care, time, and energy given to SJC ministries this year. Throughout June, we will highlight ministries and their leadership, culminating to "Gratitude Sunday" on July 2nd in the garden at Strawbery Banke.

The parish office at St. John’s Church is a warm and welcoming place. It serves the clergy and staff in an administrative role, is a clearing house for the various committees, and welcomes any visitors. (The office is located across the street from Thaxter Hall, at number 100 Chapel Street, the Tebbetts House. If you've never popped in to say hello, or didn't know there was a separate office location, we encourage you to come by and say hi sometime! The office hours are M-Th, 9am-3pm.)

The incredible advances in technology have changed the workings of the office over the past several years. New copiers fold, staple and collate the weekly bulletins. Cell phones make individuals accessible, practically eliminating the need for complex phone systems and cumbersome message taking. The St. John’s website provides information about events and programs, and daily announcements and reflections make a hard copy newsletter unnecessary. For some of us older parishioners, this means fewer opportunities to gather in small groups to chat as tasks are accomplished, a trade off we understand. 

There are opportunities for volunteers throughout the year, as mailings for pledge drives, pledge statements, and special events offer a chance to sort, stuff, and stamp in a congenial setting. Occasionally there is a need to cover the office phone when Rebecca, our Parish Administrator, has time away. And Michelle, our Parish Bookkeeper, may need help with filing some of the financial data. Anyone interested in lending a hand can contact me, Lacey Bangs, or Rebecca, and we will fold you into the group of volunteers, contacting you when help is needed. Flexible hours, delightful working conditions, and spiritual compensation!