Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues., July 18, 2023


are we willing to be transfigured?

Originally premiered Feb 14, 2021; The Rev. Rob Stevens preaches on the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, the Gospel of Mark 9:2-9.

Rob reflects on his mid-pandemic message, saying "Lent is coming…really? It feels like it hasn’t ended. Yet, we are invited not to simply witness Jesus’ transfiguration, but also to be transfigured. Are we willing?"

“From The Vault” Sermon Series

Tuesdays each week have become known to our online community as the day when we roll out the latest video in our weekly “Sermon Series” on our YouTube channel. We have dedicated this day each week to re-share our clergy’s message from Sunday morning’s service. While they typically reflect on the central theme of that Sunday’s Gospel reading, Psalm, or Epistle, we have always found that the messages our clergy preach each week feature universal lessons and themes that our community may find helpful, inspiring, thought-provoking, or “must hear” from week to week.

While we as a staff take rest during these summer months, we felt that there were some these older sermons that featured messages that our clergy felt could be re-shared with our community, perhaps as reminders of past times, or featuring those universal truths of which we could all benefit from reminding.

With this mission in mind, we’ve repackaged a few of these older sermons in an exciting new series called “From The Vault” with the hope that we all will take some time each Tuesday to revisit these timeless messages from Rob, Anne, and even our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry. Tune in each Tuesday through August 1 to hear the message, and consider reaching out to us to let us know how these messages have touched your life in Christ.