Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Fri. May 31, 2024

From deep roots, new life

The Rev. Tim Brooks

Capital Campaign Series:

Help us share the good news about

From Deep Roots, New Life!

“Anyone or any church, I guess, can offer a Sunday worship, but it's really when you get out into the streets and meet people where they're at—as Jesus did—that we make the big difference, and the diocese is allowing us to do that."

— The Rev. Tim Brooks

This week’s testimonial video features the Rev. Tim Brooks, the rector of St. Paul's in Lancaster and of the Gathering Place in Groveton. He also serves as a hospital chaplain and spiritual leader for a number of local organizations. His full-time focus on ministry is made possible by the Ministerial Development Fund, which provides financial support for dynamic clergy to engage and grow their congregations—one of the five funding priorities of the From Deep Roots, New Life campaign.

This campaign is focused on investing in our people, not buildings. From Deep Roots, New Life allows us to create a lasting endowment to train, place, and support the lay and ordained leaders in our churches—all our churches, and the communities they support.


We’re asking you as church leaders to include this and subsequent testimonial videos in your church newsletters to demonstrate that the initiatives supported by From Deep Roots, New Life are already making a big difference in our church communities. We appreciate you helping us to spread that good word!

To learn more, visit the campaign website. If you have questions or comments, email CFO Benge Ambrogi or call him at 603-224-1914, ext. 120