Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Mon. July 1, 2024

St. John’s Youth

From Generosity to Action:

Supporting Creation, Equality, and Peace

We are thrilled to share the success of our Easter Giving Eggs initiative this year. Our children and youth identified their support for three vital causes: environmental care, LGBTQIA+ rights, and peace in the Middle East. Total raised was $2455 - thank you! It is evident that SJC supports the nurturing of safe spaces where everyone, especially our youth and children, can process the world they live in and harness their power to effect change. Through their efforts and your generous contributions, we have been able to support the following organizations:

1. Environmental Care: Kittery Land Trust (KLT)

KLT works tirelessly to protect and steward land by owning it or its development rights, and by monitoring and maintaining its health. Their commitment to preserving natural spaces ensures that our fragile Seacoast environment remains healthy and vibrant for future generations. We are proud to support their essential work in land conservation and stewardship. (Fun fact: this is our third year identifying environment & creation care as priority and supporting KLT!)

Learn more: https://kitterylandtrust.com/ 

2. LGBTQIA+ Rights: Seacoast Outright

Seacoast Outright is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive environment for the LGBTQIA+ community. They provide crucial support and advocacy to ensure that everyone, especially youth, feels loved and accepted as they are. Our contribution helps further their mission to promote equality and acceptance.

Learn more: https://www.seacoastoutright.org/ 

3. Peace in the Middle East: American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ)

AFEDJ transforms the lives of the vulnerable and displaced in the Middle East through support of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and its schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities. Their efforts bring hope and healing to those in need, fostering peace and stability in the region. Our donation aids their critical work in providing education, healthcare, and support to those affected by unimaginable conflict.

Learn more: https://afedj.org/ 

We are incredibly proud of our children and youth for their thoughtful selection of these causes and grateful to our entire community for coming together to support our young activists. Your generosity and involvement reflect the spirit of love and service that defines St. John’s.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to making a positive impact in our world.