Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, September 9, 2024

Kickoff Sunday: The Rector’s view

I often talk about how I have the best view at church.  I get to sit up front and my view is of all of you!  It is one of my favorite things…to look out and see our beautiful community gathered worshipping God. This past Sunday was Kickoff Sunday, the church was full, Aaron’s sermon was excellent, the choir was back and better than ever….it was a Rector’s dream. Thank you for your presence and for being a part of this church that is taking the wonderful risk of being whole-hearted community. 

This weekend is a culmination and a beginning.  It is the culmination of months of prep and planning.  I am so grateful to the staff and volunteers who put in many hours to make sure that the details were minded, which allowed us to be fully present.  Thank you all!  It is the beginning of a program year in which we will work (and play) at being a whole-hearted community.  The wider world is not at peace and in our corner, we are committed to working for justice and peace for all.  This is not simple or easy, but it is worth it.  Our first big opportunity is our All-Parish Retreat Day on September 29th.  Please make every effort to attend. It will be a good one!

On a personal note, this was my 20th Kickoff Sunday at St. John’s.  I am flabbergasted.  Time does fly!  I cannot imagine my life without this community.  It has shaped me, and my family and we are better because we are a part of it.  The big celebrations like Kickoff Sunday are awesome.  They also make room for the simple conversations that occur in the space they create.  This morning before the 8am service I chatted with The Rev. Gregory Griffith.  I often get this opportunity as he arrives well before the service begins.  This morning was special for me, you see, Gregory was Curate at St. John’s from 1976-1981.  He sits in the back row, wears no collar and asks for no recognition…yet, from my seat I see him sitting there quietly worshipping and supporting.  He has my back.  His support is clear, it is quiet, and it matters more than I can express.  And he doesn’t just have my back, he has our back.  This quiet support, love and encouragement is a hallmark of SJC.

St. John’s is a gift, and it is a work in progress.  I received that gift Sunday.  The reminder that I belong and am loved.  I pray you received that too.  I believe we also have, as the community of SJC, the privilege and responsibility to work so it continues to shine God’s light and love to the world.

This is my view…and I love it!