Lavish Love, Responding with Generosity and Gratitude

From the Youth News & Formation Resources on the Season of Stewardship and Thanksgiving: "Have you ever been gifted a bouquet of dandelions from a child you love? Received a drawing or hand scribbled note commemorating a special moment, or paused to reciprocate a spontaneous and joy filled hug? These are some of the most genuine and sacred moments of connection that we experience in our lives with little ones. The intention is so pure and purposefully generous: your child has been loved, seen, and nurtured, and their natural response is gratitude and generosity. As we get older, and our worlds expand, we can sometimes lose touch with that innate sense of gratitude and spontaneous generosity. What was once instinct, becomes something we need to practice. Even (perhaps especially) as adults we need to be more intentional about noticing and naming those moments of lavish love from each other and from God, and cultivating a sense of generosity and intentional care in our response. This practice of responding in gratitude is what “stewardship” is all about.

Over the next month we will explore the themes of thanksgiving and stewardship, considering the ways that God so generously lavishes God’s love on us, and wondering together through play, prayer and conversation, the ways that we can respond with generosity and gratitude to that love. There will be opportunities to express our gratitude in service and giving, in celebration and connection, and to share what we learn with others." – The Rev. Aaron Jenkyn 

The scripture for the season is :

"Love must be real. Care deeply about good things and stay away from bad things. Love each other like family. Try to do better for others than for yourself. Work hard and serve God with a happy heart. Be joyful because you have hope. Be patient when things are hard. Never stop praying. Share with people who need help. Always welcome others." 

— Romans 12:9-13 (Paraphrased for children)