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Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

What does an atheist, a pharisee and Jesus have to teach about how to grow in faith and how to talk about what we believe with those we love? In Sunday’s sermon Aaron reflects on the work of chaplains to help others make meaning during challenging times and the unexpected and beautiful ways God shows up in that work.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

"It seems our news feeds are full of anger, and the results of angry actions are heartrending. But thus it has ever been so. The earliest Bible stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Flood, speak of anger, but also love and blessing - how can we speak of anger and love in the same breath?”

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Rob offers that "Following Jesus is about reminding ourselves regularly that people should come first and rules second. What we worship matters. Practicing a life that constantly examines what we put first helps us to worship God and not other distractions."

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

In Sunday’s Gospel reading we heard the remarkable story of Jesus’s baptism and the start of his ministry in Galilee. In the space between these two events, we hear the story of how Jesus was spirited away, to the wilderness. The wildness is a place Jesus goes again and again when he is preparing to face the challenges of his life and ministry.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

On Sunday, April 7 at 3:00pm, St. John’s Concerts On The Hill Series will play proud host to the world-renowned choir, The American Spiritual Ensemble for an historic Portsmouth premiere concert. The American Spiritual Ensemble (ASE), whose mission is to preserve and continue the tradition of storytelling through the performance and preservation of the American Negro Spiritual, was founded in 1995 by Dr. Everett McCorvey who remains Artistic Director and Conductor of the choir.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

In Sunday's Gospel readings we catch a glimpse of Jesus at the start of his ministry. While in Capernaum he enters a synagogue and begins teaching, not from the tradition, but from his heart, speaking with great authority, and the people are astounded.