Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Anne Corriveau

Christmas Traditions

I love traditions!  This year has had so many challenges and disruptions, which is why holding onto some semblance of our Christmas traditions seems more important than ever.  Traditions are a welcome routine, like a warm blanket that I reach for especially when the world seems unsettled, mysterious and difficult.  My holiday traditions involve a colorful mixture of my French Canadian heritage with a peppering of my mother’s English and Irish traditions.   Christmas Eve, for our family, is when the majority of the celebration happens – inviting friends and neighbors at our family home for an Open House where wine is flowing, Tourtiere is served and laughter is everywhere. 

We all know things will be different at the holidays this year.  What would have been a raucous Christmas Eve with my sister and family, dear friends and great-grandnephews and nieces has reverted to a coterie of two - consisting of my husband and me.  Still I’m filled with gratitude for so many blessings in my life, regardless of the omission of our Christmas Eve Tradition.

I heard a news story about Holiday “Shopping Mall Santas” who are now doing their work virtually.  Although the little ones can’t sit on Santa’s lap and hug him this year, one virtual Santa has an idea for satisfying that human need to connect.  He asks the children to look into the camera on zoom and reach out their arms toward the video screen while he also stretches his arms toward them.  He then asks them to close their eyes imagine the feeling of hugging.  I think that’s what I need to do this year.  Imagine the warm feeling of connecting in our traditional way – the love, kindness, joy, music  -  close my eyes, feel it and hold it in my heart.  And as we gather on zoom with my family during the holiday this year, I will heed that virtual Santa’s advice and fill my heart to the brim with feelings of love.