Last Day of Advent | The light draws near

Advent Day 26 (Thurs, Dec 24)

The light draws near

a surprise connection

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In Anne’s sermon on November 19th, she shared the above. I kept saying the last line over and over as I knew I had heard it somewhere. And then it came to me, the song Love is the Answer by England Dan and John Ford Coley, and yes, I am showing my old age. Below are links to the lyrics and the recording. No music video back then, just the song.  Read both above and below and listen to the similarities. I love how things just come together sometimes.

As Advent 2020 ends, remember the light is almost here, and may it shine on all of us with love from above and spreading good healthy to everyone too. Happy last day of Advent.

With love,


Lyrics to Love is the Answer

Love is the Answer