Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Jessie Kent

Christmas Traditions

A note from Rob:

The story below was printed in the paper when Jessie was the Chairperson of the Eliot's Board of Selectmen. I had the distinct privilege of sharing this story at Jessie's funeral this past July. I miss both Jessie and Larry as I know many of you do...it's comforting to know that their wisdom, love and good humor are still shaping our community. Enjoy...

Some years ago, The Rev. Robert Dunn of St. John's Church Portsmouth, exchanged pulpits for a year with The Rev. W. Charles Hodgins of England.

Christmas Eve of that year, my husband Larry and I left to attend the midnight service. As we came up the hill to the church, we were met by our friend George Ward.

"No church tonight," he said, "We have things to do."

Before we knew what was happening, we were being whisked away in his station wagon.

At his house, we picked up a large Christmas tree that was coaxed into the wagon with hurried but careful hands. Then boxes of decorations were packed in, and we were off again.

Our destination this time was the rectory on Middle Street. Like the boldest of thieves we marched into the house, since by now the Hodgins were safely at St. Johns.

It took some doing but the tree was put up, the decorations put on, and secretly-collected gifts from parish members were placed under the tree.

By the time we returned to the church, the service was ending.

I know this was a special Christmas for the Hodgins and a special memory for all who knew about the secret tree.

And though I love the midnight service at Christmas, I'll always remember the one I missed.

Jessie Kent, Chairman of Eliot's Board of Selectmen