Annual Meeting | Rector's Report for 2020

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Rev. Rob Stevens

Rectors Report for 2020

At the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I am filled with gratitude. This past year was definitely the most challenging of my ministry, yet this community cared for each other and adapted in ways that were unimaginable just one year ago. I look forward with hope that we will regather this year to worship, serve and play together. With that in mind I would like to say thank you to all of you.

To our community, this year tested us in ways we couldn’t fathom. Yet, you adapted with us. You joined us online and we forged a new way of connecting. It was “perfectly imperfect”, and your encouraging words urged us onward. We learned that this online experience casted a wide net and more people than ever joined us for Sunday worship. We also ended 2020 whole financially. That is a tribute to your generosity. Thank you

To Common Table and Gather, in a time when food insecurity was more prevalent than ever you answered the call. Over 1,000 meals per week were prepared either in our kitchen or the kitchen of our parishioners and we distributed to those who were hungry. This is the Church at her best. Thank you.

To our vestry, Zoom vestry meetings were never a part of the plan, yet they persevered and did what was needed. Managing the finances, making important decisions about regathering (or not), stewarding the building project with the able help of the Building Committee, all the while holding our beloved St. John’s in prayer and enabling the important ministry to continue, albeit in new and different forms. Thank you.

To our Senior Warden, John Tabor, for 5 plus years of service as Senior Warden and many more as vestry member and stewardship chair, we thank you! His tireless, non-anxious, no-drama, steady leadership was crucial during this strangest of years. We will miss him in the vestry room for sure and yet are comforted that he will never be too far away. Thank you.

To our building team, especially Gerry Simpkins, Reggie Baird and Barry Heckler, your team accomplished more than we could have ever hoped for during the pandemic. On time and under budget has been the motto. By caring for our buildings, we can look forward to filling them with ministry and love. Thank you.

To our staff, while I was away on sabbatical the world as we knew it changed and with the vestry the staff led this community and made adaptations that were crucial to us remaining connected while also keeping our community safe. I cannot express my gratitude for them adequately.

Rebecca Hennessy—our Parish Administrator began her work with us in December 2019. She wins the perseverance award. Learning this job is difficult in the best of times. Doing it well during a pandemic is something special. Thank you.

Michelle Karcher—our Bookkeeper extraordinaire. In a year when the details mattered more than ever her keen eye for them and teamwork with our Treasurer Kelly Boston allowed us to not only survive but thrive. Michelle is to be credited with securing the PPP loan/grant from the Federal Government that was a clear factor in our financial health this year. Thank you.

Jen McPherson—our Director of Music and Liturgy & Co-Director of the Choir School worked in ways I’m sure she never imagined. Video editing, copy editor, and film crew were just a few of her many new duties. Yet, our music ministry thrived. We were not only able to serve our parish but parishes around the diocese and even the world with the music she produced with her able team. Thank you.

Ashley Wade—our Director of Children’s Music & Ministry, Co-Director of the Choir School, and 10 hour per week Communications Director had her job shift just a bit…her 10 hour per week Communications became full-time plus! Ashley has been our director during these strange times. Learning new ways of filming, editing and communicating on nearly a daily basis and teaching new tricks to the clergy that never thought they’d be preaching to a camera. Her flexibility and drive were inspirational. Thank you.

Nathan Bourne—our Associate Rector came up with perhaps the ultimate silver lining of the pandemic. He began with Anne our Daily Reflections in late March. They have continued 6 days a week since then and will for the foreseeable future. They have connected us in ways that we only hoped for. His steady leadership during my sabbatical and calming influence were a gift to us all. Thank you.

Anne Williamson—our Senior Associate Rector excelled in her gift and great skill of holding us all in prayer and encouraging us to do the same. She reminded us again and again to lean into God with prayer. Her care for our community through simple calls and emails made sure that no one was left behind. This quiet, sometimes invisible, ministry is the glue that holds us together. Thank you.

And to you reading this…thank you. We are weary from the toils of this year and we WILL emerge from this time a stronger and more flexible community that is ready to serve God. I really can’t wait to be back together. What a joyous reunion it will be! Thank you.


The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr.

Please RSVP to join our community zoom meeting on 1/31/21.