Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, February 1, 2021

Penny Kelly


Today I had an email from Rob asking me if I might be willing to do a reflection on the word “listen.” My first reaction was to just say no I’d rather not. Then as I sat and thought more about it I decided maybe I should give it a try.

Trying to listen in the turbulent times we find ourselves living in these days is not an easy thing to do. The COVID crisis, the political issues, long vaccine lines, live school or remote school, no contact with family and friends where you can share the hugs and kisses you’ve been missing and although St. John’s has done an amazing job with remote Church, it’s just not the same as sitting in your pew in church, just to name a few things!

Maybe we all need to sit quietly someplace, listen to the birds or the surf or a child’s laughter. Anything that makes you feel calm and gives you a moment to reflect on something positive. As we do this we need to think about Gods way of healing the world and each of us after the difficult months we’ve just been through and will continue to work through but knowing things are hopefully headed in a more positive direction. We need to listen to our hearts and know there are blessings all around us that we need to be thankful for. We just need to take the time to sit quietly and listen.