Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues. 23 Nov. 2021

The Advent Journey

Anne Williamson

In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God…Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together. - Isaiah 40:3, 5

Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and communities for the coming of Christ, the Almighty God who came among us poor and homeless, a stranger and a child. We create time to reflect on how we as the church embrace the Holy One who continues to draw near in the neighbor, the stranger, the refugee, or the one who seems "other." Let us commit to becoming Beloved Community and growing loving, liberating, life-giving relationships across the human family of God.

We make this journey not only as individual Christians but also in community. This Advent, join us on Sunday evenings at 5pm to sing, pray and reflect on the journey we are on, the journey of faith, the journey to Becoming Beloved Community. Using the Advent themes of Hope – November 28, Peace – December 5, Joy – December 12 (Our service of Lessons and Carols!) and Love – December 19, we will travel together on this journey of discovery.

As many of you know, I love labyrinths, and the Episcopal Church’s commitment to racial healing, reconciliation and justice, to Becoming Beloved Community, is framed around the labyrinth.

A labyrinth has no dead ends, but many twists and turns; the perfect metaphor for the journey of faith! We enter the labyrinth wherever God has provided an opening – telling the truth about our church’s story around race; discerning and proclaiming God’s dream of Beloved Community where we are; learning and practicing Jesus’ way of healing and love; and bravely working for justice. We keep moving from one quadrant to another and back. No one is ever really finished; that is the way of ongoing spiritual formation.

This Advent journey is an invitation to travel in community, to travel together. As the African proverb says: If you want to go fast, travel alone; if you want to go far, travel together.

Advent Blessings,


A Spiritual Practice for Advent:

Get up early enough to experience the darkness of the winter morning. Light a candle and spend some time focusing on the light shining in the darkness. Relax and deepen your breathing, and silently repeat: ‘You, Lord are the source of life; in your light, I see light.’

From The Treasure of Darkness by Barbara Mosse.

Resources for the journey to becoming Beloved Community can be found at www.episcopalchurch.org/beloved-community

Preparing to Become Beloved Community

Worship During Advent:


Meditations for Advent

Sundays from 5-5:30PM

11/28, 12/5, 12/19

Our advent wreath liturgy comes from a place of social justice and Becoming Beloved Community. It is our hope that the prayers and music offered during our evening meditation services will help you journey through this time of waiting and anticipation.


12/12 at 5-6PM

In the sanctuary, featuring the story as it was foretold and fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ, accompanied by congregational carols and special music including the Parish Choir, The Choir School, YOC student organist David Kenney, Jr., and Robert Stibler on trumpet. Directed by Jennifer McPherson. Premiering an arrangement of the Huron Carol by Olin Johannessen.


12/19 at 10AM

The joyful telling of the birth of Jesus comes back to the sanctuary this year. Children and youth perform a dramatic enactment of the Christmas story during our 10AM service on the final Sunday of Advent.


12/21 at 7PM

In the sanctuary, to honor and acknowledge the changing of the season, ushering a moment to reflect on the shadows cast by the bright light of the holiday season, and making space to make peace with grief and loss we carry.