Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wed, 24, Nov 2021

Celebration of a life well lived

The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr.

This past Saturday, November 20th, I gathered with family, friends, and many others at Grace United Methodist Church in Baltimore, MD to celebrate the life of Downing Jett Kay. Downing was born on November 23, 1907 and died on May 15, 2020. Downing was 112 years young and was the oldest resident in Maryland history. Downing is also my great-aunt. My niece informed me that she was the 44th oldest person on the planet when she died. Wow!

Yes, she had a long life…yet it was listening to the stories of family members and friends AND her pastor (who she had taught in Sunday School!) that brought her life to light. This season is about giving thanks and leaning toward the light. I encourage you to share your stories with those you love.

One of Aunt Downings characteristics was that she was always curious and wanted to know what was going on with everyone. Her longevity and vitality is most certainly attributed in part to her curiosity and care toward others. She was also a communicator extraordinaire. She called and she wrote notes (and she expected you to do the same!). In light of her life...I suggest a practice this Advent. Make the phone call, write the note…Think for a moment how you feel when you get the note or call “out of the blue” from someone dear to you. Make your list and make the calls, write the notes.

Aunt Downing’s funeral reminded me once again how much we long to be connected to each other. May this season of Advent find us active in our desire to connect with each other and God.