Monday, May 3, 2021
Diane Koehler
As I sit here and reflect on what trust means to me I think of the many people in my life that make my life so rich as we trust each other, support each other. This would be my son, the many friends I have been blessed with. But I also think of nature and the many gifts that I trust to receive. The sun will rise tomorrow. My snowdrops flowers will be ready to show their faces as soon as the snow melts away.
My song birds: the yellow finches, cardinals, chickadees, mockingbirds, woodpeckers, doves, as well as others will come and sing their songs in the trees in my backyard each year. I love listening to their songs.
But as I do this reflection I also think of what is the opposite of trust, what if trust is not there? This feels like it could be worry, doubt or caution. It seems 2020 caused a lot of these feeling in us. I know for me there was worry of when would we be able to be with our friends and family again, worry of more people getting covid. How was I to get through these times, what was I to learn or what could I practice? I wanted to listen to God. It is in a spiritual practice that I found some peace as each morning I would try to create a sacred place where I would do spiritual readings, food for my soul from different authors, do a meditation followed by a talk with God (prayer). Maybe this was more of a talk to God than with God but I tried to listen! This seemed to put me in a peaceful place to start my day. I worked on asking myself ~ today, what am I grateful for? To look at my abundance, to live in the moment. I feel that 2020 was a time for us to look at how we were living our life. To stop living our life in the future, to be always going to the next thing, and not living in the present. We needed to slow down and try to listen. To see God’s world right in front of us. To watch the sun rise, to listen to the song birds.
Elizabeth Gilbert writes:
“There is a reason they call God a presence - because God is right here, right now. In the present is the only place to find Him, and now is the only time.”
May we trust God to always be here, here now.
I wish you Presence.