Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thursday, October 20, 2022

“That guy”

The Rev. Rob Stevens

Luke 4:14-21

This is a part of the story when Jesus basically says, “Yeah, I'm that guy. I'm the Messiah.” The work of Jesus in the gospels is all about leveling the playing field; about inviting everyone to the table. It is a radical change from the way it had been and that is why it was so unsettling to those who heard him speak. I think it's interesting how culturally we prefer to see Jesus in a nice and tidy box. Jesus is kind, but nice and tidy? I do not think so. Jesus really upsets the apple cart. He turns things upside down. He is about downward mobility not upward mobility. He says ‘humble yourselves, give away that which has power over you and you will find life, die and you will live.’ We have a savior that is with us and asks us to do this work with him. The work of leveling the playing field so ALL may indeed be welcome to the table.