Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, October 21, 2022

What would you do?

Judy Howard

David and I have been traveling in Austria, visiting a friend in Graz. 

We were in the city center and the sidewalks are very broad and clean. As in most cosmopolitan cities, there are many upscale shops. 

There were quite a few elderly people begging on the sidewalks in front of these shops that sell things like cashmere coats for €1500. 

Women sprawled on the ground with canes; holding rosary beads, praying, with cups of coins next to them; all bundled and wearing peasant scarves on their heads. Men wearing rags, also sitting directly on the ground next to cafés. A man, apparently blind, yet carefully watching the passers-by to make connection. 

As at home, the ‘in your face’ poverty these scenes represent are uncomfortable, at best. Does one ignore them because we’ve read stories of the business of begging?  Do we trust that they really are in need? Who would fake need such as this? For me, knowing what to do, when to part with my coins, how many cups to contribute to - all leaves me in a state of confusion. As a professed Christian, isn’t it right to give?  I struggle with the conflicted feelings of wondering if theirs is an act or real. 

In the end, my prejudices won out. We walked on from each of these uncomfortable scenes.  Yet perhaps that was the wrong decision, because it is still playing out in my head. Did I do the right thing or the wrong one?  Would my €1 have made any difference?

What would you have done?