Stewardship Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, October 3, 2022

Let’s keep this going - 2023!

Chuck Silva

“I am so grateful that we have been able to celebrate our community together again in person. We have worshiped together, we have taken communion together, we've sung hymns together, we've listened to organ music together, we've heard the children running around in the sanctuary, we've gone on retreats together, we've shared the sign of peace, we've gone next door and had coffee and cupcakes and deviled eggs together... During this past year my gratitude for this community has continued to grow and I want to thank all of you for that. Our goals this year are the same as last year: 300 pledges / $550,000. Let's keep this going. God bless you all. Thank you in advance and I'll see you in church.” - Chuck Silva