Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Hidden Practice of Faith

David Lincoln

The sermons I like the best are ones containing personal application….so this reflection starts with a bit about me…

My dad and mom were not much about a particular church, even though Dad ran a Episcopal boys camp in the summer, complete with Sunday chapel and “prayers “each night. The prep school where my dad taught had Universalist roots so that’s the Sunday school I attended. When old enough, my buddy down the street whose mother was a staunch Episcopalian and I were confirmed by the Massachusetts bishop in the towns small “E’ church.

All this is to say, my formal ‘churching roots are not deep.

Several years ago, with several changes in the York ‘E’ church we found adverse, we found , and were found, by St Johns. The nature of the sermons, the community, with its various outreach, and in-reach programs, especially Common Table, were the balance we were looking for. While still young  enough to make it to the Church on the hill, we became regulars, regularly having coffee and discussion with a friend, who had deep and vocal counter ideas, thus adding perspective to our ideas. We found the  acceptance of different ideas in many of the Church discussion groups.

At our age, around 90, in a retirement place, the Virtual Church is a benefit, as are the mini sermons Rob works into The Gospel Of The Day.

Back to my dad, who was a regular listener to a 6 AM radio program of current religious issues, and a collector (and reader) of “other ‘ faith prayer books; sort of a closet faithful, and there is nothing wrong with that !!!

So, that’s my take on reflecting on my 90 plus years of Living The Faith , and passing the word. KEEP THE FAITH !!

If you don’t have it …get it, in whatever flavor grabs you !!!