Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Into the Darkness Comes the Light!

The Rev. Rob Stevens

December 21st is the darkest, shortest day of the year.  Some may wonder why it is that we celebrate the birth of Christ during such a dark season.  Not me, I think it makes complete sense.  Christ is the light of the world and a reminder of the goodness of humanity.  And when it is darkest…the light is needed most!

I’ve told to the story many times of being afraid of the dark as a child.  Once in my childhood church, my father (who is also a priest) told me to go and turn out the lights at the end of an Advent evening service.  Terrified, I obeyed.  It was complete darkness when I clicked off the light.  My sister rescued me by holding up a penlight. Immediately I was comforted.  That tiny penlight pierced the darkness.

That image has remained a strong comfort in my life.  The darker it gets, the less light it takes to make a difference!  Christmas is the season of celebrating the Light of the world.  The culture around is frenetic.  There is no stopping it.  However, we do have a choice.  How will you celebrate the light?  How will you make room for this light to live in you this season?

Hopefully your community of faith, our beloved St. John’s Community, will provide a deep breath and a reminder that there is enough Love, God and Light for all!