Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022

in search of belief

The Rev. anne williamson

Belief is not contrary to fact. It simply transcends it. To believe something is to know its truth not so much in our minds but in the center of our souls. We believe in goodness, for instance, because, however effective evil seems to be, it contradicts the highest aspirations of humanity. We believe in love rather than hate, because love draws out the best in us, while hate feeds our smallnesses. In sum, belief is the ability to know what we cannot see. None of our beliefs, if they are really ‘belief’, are sure in that way that chemicals in scales are sure. Belief is sure in the way that truth is sure. It rings in our hearts like tines on crystal.

Excerpt from "In Search of Belief" by Joan Chittister. The Rev. Anne Williamson preaches on the Gospel of John 20:24-29; Appointed for use on December 21, the Feast of St. Thomas.