Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, March 28, 2022

Alison O’Malley

Coming Home

Some of you know, but most do not. My childhood was in the Episcopal church. I sang in choir. Volunteered in the child's nursery. Went to 8 o'clock clock Service. Church was a place of worship, happiness, and togetherness for me. College years without a car were tough. God had a plan and helped me stay on the path. I met my husband at the 'on campus center of prayer', this was a Catholic Church. We as a team of two of moved around with the Navy. Eventually moved to Portsmouth with our first child and our doggie in 1993. We grew our family into 5 by 2000. We raised our three children in the Catholic church, a marital promise from 1990. I became a member of St. John's after a horrific family death. This was in 2015. God, I truly believed somehow knew that I needed and craved my childhood place of volunteerism and worship and togetherness. . St John' s is the place for me. My first time at church was a feeling of sanctity, wholeness, and calmness. I knew Rob from sports and school events. Two of my three children are the same ages as his and Jen's two. I met Ann my second time at church. I cried in her arms and then explained who I am and that I want and need to come back to "My church". Like a puzzle my life was coming together through the words and practices of worship and God's calling.

It is now 7 years later, the joy, happiness, and togetherness of "our church" is unmatched to any dream. The love, community, and support is amazing. We come together to get things done with smiles and great attitude. I am not a great singer but am an awesome helper. It was a highlight of my week to assist at Common Table. I hope to get back to it soon. We are a small but powerful group at 8 on Sunday mornings. The togetherness is grand. Before Covid 19, "The Peace" of Communion took a long time. We spoke, hugged, walked, and shouted our " Peace" to the whole congregation. More than once, I actually have walked to the alter to "Peace be with you " with Rob and Ann.

We as group of St John's volunteers are getting together for the first " in person " Celebration of Life this weekend. Many hands will 'work' as one to make this reception as smooth as possible. It is this time of sharing and teaming that make our church spectacular.

There are several groups that make phone calls, restore our building, feed people, teach Sunday school, attend meetings, work on equipment, prepare music, and so on. It is this giving, kindness, and team attitude that makes our church so special to the parishioners, the community, and the State of New Hampshire.
I, as many of you, absolutely adore our togetherness. It makes us who we are. I thank God, our church, and our friendships every day. Be safe, be smart and be kind These are the three rules of my classroom and how I strive to live daily. Thank you all !!