Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, June 10, 2022

Diane Koehler

Experiencing God

Many years ago I bought a print of a painting done by Fia Angelico while I was on vacation in Tuscany. This image moved me, spoke to me. It was beautiful in the rich colors, the details and what the artist was portraying. It was the artist’s interpretation of when Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her she will give birth to the Messiah.

In this print Gabriel has large beautiful golden wings and is wearing a detailed red robe. Mary has her hands placed softly on her chest. They are the same size, their heads only feet apart as they are looking into each others eyes. Gabriel is giving the News to Mary.

Even though it has been many years since I purchased this print it still speaks to me. As I look at this scene it encourages me to ponder how God or even angels may have possibly spoken to me or have been involved my life. We often hear of how God was speaking or involved in events in the bible but what about today? How is God interacting in our life today? I wonder are there messages for me to hear today? How is God possibly speaking to me in my life? There are three examples that I will share where I truly believe God was involved or speaking to me in my life.

The first one I'll share was when I was in Florida for work many years ago and had just checked into my hotel. After checking in at the front desk I took the elevator up to my floor, gotten off and was walking down the hall towards my room. All of a sudden I was engulfed with fear. Strong fear and mind you I am not a fearful person but my heart was pounding in my chest. I looked around and did not see anyone but got into my room as quickly as possible. Once inside my room I looked through the peep hole and saw 2 men walking down the hall towards my room. They did not go into any room but turned around and went back down the hallway. I truly believe God was trying to protect me in this moment by having fear fall upon me like a cloak.

The second time was during a hike with dear friends in the White Mountains. I have always enjoyed hiking in the mountains and my friends wanted to join me on one of my hikes. They were use to walks but not hikes so I tried to pick a relatively easy hike. There were five of us on this hike and the oldest, my dear friend’s husband seemed to be struggling, needing to take frequent breaks and appeared to be breathing heavily. But he did not want to go back to the car. So we continued. Then he tripped possibly on an exposed root on the trail. Right in front of him was a rock that his head was falling towards. As he was falling there “just happened” to be two ladies approaching us that I had not noticed and right as my friends husband head was falling towards a large rock one of these ladies caught his head in the palm of her hands. On this lady’s shirt was a small pin, a pin of a little gold angel. Well, again I believe it was divine intervention. God was taking care of us through possibly an angel?

The third event that I would like to share was when I was on a flight on my way to visit family. This is not always pleasant as these family members are difficult and we certainly are not on the same page! I had watched a movie on this flight that I cannot remember the title but it expressed humor in visiting difficult family members. It was comedy. Boy, I needed that. After the movie I was reflecting as I looked out the small window. I heard a voice in my head: “Love others as I have loved you”. I was so moved. I truly believed Jesus was speaking to me. Love, just try to love. Love as I have loved. So I did my best during this visit to love them as they are and truly felt that Jesus was with me.

In our world today, with all the events that are going on around the world, I need to notice these blessed interventions. I need to feel I am not alone, that God is with me, with us. I wonder if you have noticed when God was speaking to you or was actively involved with your life? How was God speaking to you, to you personally?

I continue to look at my print and ponder is God speaking to me today? If so what is God saying?