Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, September 30, 2022

A Party at the Center

Peter Tarlton

Political opposites loudly claim absolute power from Far apart, unrealistically astride minutely thin majorities
To effectively leave one-half of citizens without a voice
Who silently store discontent, as squirrels save food for winter

Yet a quieter seventy percent long for common-sense stability Fiscal responsibility for monthly household budgets
Quality education to improve the lives of next generations
And maturity to replace thundering narcissistic “Guns of August”

Therefore, American countrymen, lend me your hearts!
We can vote as a party at the Center, with the letter “C” to support Care for one another, with en-Courage-ment to be authentic Curiosity about Complexity and differences to help define balance Causes of problems from thoughtful evaluations
Curriculum to educate each according to their natural gifts Collaboration to Create ideas which improve outcomes for many Compassionate Capitalism to improve shared living standards Conscientious responsibility to form CommUnities of purpose Common sense, sustainable solutions, with timely starts and finishes

To BE thus, we can C how to leave angry frustrations behind Return to our country’s P’s and Q’s, a shared Peace and Quiet Dealing with the truth, the whole truth, in all that we undertake, As friends who party at the prospering Center, for Centuries