Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Sat., June 10, 2023

your new associate rector

aaron jenkyn

It is with much joy that I am writing to introduce myself as your new Associate Rector.

I am a Vermont native and a University of Vermont graduate, with degrees in sociology and community development. In just a few short weeks I will complete my theological training as part of the inaugural class of the Episcopal School of New Hampshire’s School for Ministry, which is a collaborative program of the Seminary of the Southwest. God willing and people consenting, I will be ordained a deacon on June 10th and a priest six months later. I am very much looking forward to celebrating my ordination with you later this year.

For the past seventeen years I have lived and worked in the Kearsarge- Sunapee region of New Hampshire, most recently serving as Lay Vicar at Epiphany Church in Newport and Missioner for Community and Families at St. Andrew's Church in New London. Prior to my work in community ministry I worked in behavioral health research with the National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Geisel School of Medicine.

My professional and personal interests have focused on growing healthy, vibrant communities where everyone, without exception, is welcomed and cared for. This work has often brought me to the heart edge of the church, working with those who have been cast aside in our communities. My work on the edge has taught me how to listen, how to partner with community organizations, and has helped me to think innovatively about how we are called to be disciples in a fast paced, ever changing world. Part of what has called me to St. John’s is your faithful commitment to community outreach and service and the ways that you so lovingly care for one another in all that you do.

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time outdoors, engaging with the creative arts, writing, and reading and volunteering as a nature educator. These are important parts of my own spiritual self care, and you will see the influence of these practices in both my preaching and ministry. I look forward to finding new wild places to visit and explore on the seacoast and to integrating my love of the arts and nature into St. John’s formation programs.

I will be joined at St. John’s by my husband, Marcus, and our two children, Patrick (10yrs) and Teddy (8yrs). Marcus works as a Senior Systems Analyst at Dartmouth Health, specializing in continuing medical education, and will continue to work remotely. Patrick will be entering 5th grade, and Teddy 3rd grade, in the Portsmouth public school system in the fall. As a family we love to hike and swim, explore the outdoors, visit local farms, and cook together. We are actively looking to buy a home in Portsmouth and eagerly looking forward to joining St. John's in early August.

I look forward to getting to know each of you and pray that our new life together will be filled with gratitude, celebration, and curiosity about what God is up to in our lives and in our world.

With gratitude and appreciation for all who have made this new ministry possible.

Yours in Christ,
