Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, August 21, 2023


Fran Meffen

I have been reflecting on the word PEACE as the world, Ukraine, Maui, politics and family creates a sense of chaos, frenzy, sadness and frustration within me.  When the what ifs, the disbelief at what is happening starts to pile up in my mind, the Spirit speaks to me through reading daily reflections by Steven Charleston, through the voices of the guides in my meditation practice, when I sit and knit prayer squares.  Each of these brings Her voice to me letting me know that I need to breathe, calm all those racing thoughts, empty, empty, empty, and take a mental break.  These practices are what have helped me heal over the last two years after neglecting my own mental health while taking care of students, families, and colleagues as a school counselor for decades.

I share this today because as is inevitable when we arrive at the latter half of August each of us in our own way “gears up” once again after what one hopes was a restful and renewing summer.  For many this was not the case for a myriad of reasons, but September comes nonetheless, and we are off and running once again.

This is true no matter what chapter of life you are in.  As I get ready for the family week at the beach, I packed “Gifts from the Sea”.  With each reading I find there is a different shell that speaks to where I am in my life.  I encourage you to read this short treasure and reflect on where you are at this moment.  You might even read it to see where life may be taking you or where your children may be headed no matter if they are in childcare, K – 12, leaving for college, working, or on an adventure of a lifetime. 

PEACE how do we get there?  You must be willing to tell yourself and all the people you live and work with that PEACE will be at the center of all you do.  I can hear you from a distance saying, Fran, this all sounds good but where’s the time?  I have so many things to do, the list is endless these is never enough time …..  STOP, BREATHE, LISTEN to the Spirit.  She is deep within you.  She has told me that having self-compassion is the most important thing for me to do every day.  That no matter what else I get done each day, taking just 20 minutes for me, to take a break, calm my brain, breathe and feel Her presence in the unconditional love that She surrounds us with every moment will allow me to put faith and love into action. 

As a retired school counselor here is the one thing I would be put on everyone’s back-to-school list to help decrease the escalating levels of mental health issues of anxiety and depression and more in children from youngest to oldest, from the middle school students who question their worth each and every day, to the high school seniors who are fretting over college or not, jobs – what job? To the parents of tiny ones who will put them into someone else’s hands and wonder how it will all work.  READY – you need PEACE in your life every single day.  Your children, your friends and family will all benefit from the aura that you can share with PEACE in your heart. May you give yourself this gift. 

Namaste, Fran meffen1955@gmail.com