Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues., August 22, 2023

The Rev. aaron b. jenkyn


The Rev. Aaron Jenkyn preaches on the Gospel of Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28.

"'Faith is not a noun,' Rob preached in his sermon last week. It is not something you can hold onto, possess, place upon your mantel like a trophy for all to see; rather faith is a verb, an action, a constant reaching out, a sort of ever-flowing movement in our lives and in our world.

"I've been thinking about this love in action as I share my own story with strangers - is my belief in God a verb? Am I rising up to meet God? Am I using my time, talent and treasure to put love into action? If someone is watching me, listening to me, would the see their beloved-ness and worthiness reflected back at them? If someone is watching you, what would they see?"

"Faith as a verb takes courage; courage like the Canaanite woman's."